公司简介 Company Profile


Sweetrip (思味思我)品牌文化源于欧洲,成都市思味思我国际贸易有限公司为德国思味思我有限公司(Sweetrip GmbH)及英国思味思我国际贸易有限公司 (UK Sweetrip inter-national Trading Co.Ltd.)在中国的唯一合作机构。公司自1995年成立以来至2005年专注于国内巧克力与糖果的代理与销售。2005年,思味思我成功转型,致力于欧洲巧克力、糖果及休闲食品在中国的代理与销售和Sweetrip思味思我欧洲食品连锁专卖店在中国的推广。
       自2006年到现在,Sweetrip (思味思我)已拥有来自欧洲十几个国家上千种名牌及特色产品,已成为中国中西部最大的进口食品企业!多年来,Sweetrip(思味思我)旗下产品已进入华润中国零售集团 (Ole'、Blt、万家) 、百联集团、大润发中国、家乐福中国、全国盒马、卜蜂莲花中国、伊势丹中国、山姆中国、全国永辉、全国王府井百货、北京华联BHG、北京超市发、北京首航、北京燕莎、广州友谊、广州百货、金鹰百货、7-Eleven、山东家家悦、新疆友好及国内部分机场专卖店和大部分省会城市的百货店及连锁卖场,到目前为止,Sweetrip (思味思我)已拥有全国500多家优质分销商,60000多家零售终端!

不仅如此,Sweetrip (思味思我)自2009年开始在欧洲发展OEM系列产品。到如今,已有巧克力、糖果、饼干等300多个SKU。并于2012年推出了Sweetrip (思味思我)天猫旗舰店、阿里巴巴1688进口优质货源,于2020年推出了艾达的世界天猫旗舰店!于2021年推出思味思我抖音专营店,思味思我快手专营店。自此形成:直营、分销、电商三大销售体系,并不断完善,致力打造中国进口食品行业第一品牌!



Sweetrip brand culture originated in Europe, Chengdu Sweetrip lnternational Trade Co., Ltd.isthe only partner institution of Sweetrip GmbH and UK Sweetrip International Trading Ltd inChina. Since its establishment in 1995, the company has focused on the agency and sales ofdomestic chocolate and candy till 2005. In 2005, Sweetrip successfully transformed and dedicat-ed to promotion of Sweetrip's European food chain stores in China and the agency and sales ofEuropean chocolate,candy and snack foods in China.
       Since 2006,Sweetrip has thousands of famous brands and special products from more thanten countries in Europe, and has become the largest imported food company in the Midwest ofChina! Over the years, Sweetrip's products have entered China Resources Retail Group (Ole'Blt, Vanguard), Bailian Group, RT-Mart China, Carrefour China, Freshhippo, CP Lotus China,lsetan China, Sam's China, Yonghui China, Wangfujing Department Store, Beijing Hualian(BHG), Beijing CSF Market, Beijing Shouhang Supermarket, Beijing Yansha, Guangzhou Friend-ship, Guangzhou department store Golden Eagle Department Store, 7-Eleven, ShandongJiajiayue, injiang Youhao supermarket, most Department stores and chain stores in provincialcapital cities, So far, Sweetrip has more than 500 quality distributors and more than 60,000 retail terminals nationwide!

Not only that, Sweetrip has been developing OEM products in Europe since 2009. Up to now.there are more than 300 SKUs such as chocolate. candy and biscuits In 2012. we launched theSweetrip Tmall flagship store, Alibaba 1688 imported high-quality goods. In 2020, Eda's Tmallflagship store was launched! ln 2021, Sweetrip Tiktok store and Kuaishou store were launched.Since then, Sweetrip has formed three major sales systems: direct sales, distribution, ande-commerce, and has been continuously improving, and is committed to building the Top brandin China's imported food industry.

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